A Good Investment!

Did you know that there are approximately six million garages in the UK that aren’t actually being used for storing a car?

With this thought in mind, surely then, a ‘Car Cover’ is something we should be investing in?

With the recent erratic weather and ever-increasing pollution, I’m beginning to wonder if we love our cars enough!



cherished car vs. uncherished car

Are Car Covers Bad For Your Car?

  • Sun burnt – protecting the car’s body work from the intense heat of the sun during peak hours, and long durations parked in hot weather. The risk of tyres wearing rapidly, if parked in constant sunlight.
  • Mud and Dirt prevention – Your car can over time gather dirt, even when it’s just sitting there. Tyres can retain a build-up of leaves, stones, litter which can all contribute to scratches to the undercarriage, which can then cause rust.
  • Snow and Ice – A car cover will shield your car from icy temperatures and heavy snow falls. Your car cover will alleviate any damage to the tyres or prevent any road accidents caused by black ice.
  • Bird Accidents – Whether it's under a tree, or just parked in the drive, your car will endure the occasional ‘bird mess’. Having a car cover, will certainly stop unwanted bird surprises - spend valuable time doing something valuable instead of scrubbing away poo!

Complete Robust Protection

Before you purchase a car cover, there are things to contemplate.

  • Are car covers bad for my car? It’s worth investing in a superior quality car cover – at UK Custom Covers, our car covers have 4 layers of complete protection that provide protection from all weathers and environmental hazards.
  • How long should you leave a car cover on for? All our car covers are breathable, however if the cover isn’t removed on a regular basis, the car can retain moisture and cause mould and bacteria formation.
  • Will a car cover damage my paint work? We at UK Custom Covers, recommend a quick rinse or dusting prior to installing a car cover. Dirt can rub against the paint, causing fine lines in the finish.
cherished car protected with car cover